• Laminar flows

      • Efficient contaminant removal

        • Laminar flow occurs when air moves in parallel as a single volume in a single direction through an area or clean room at a constant speed.

          In clean rooms, laminar flows are fundamental to efficient removal of air-borne contaminants

        • Disruptions in laminar flow create a major risk of contaminated air entering the flow and contaminating critical or sensitive areas that should be protected.

          Average air velocity in laminar flows should be 0.45 m/s. 

        • CG-type laminar flow consists of converting the laminar flow into a plenum. In this case, absolute filters are not installed as final elements, but deliver clean air to a CG plenum, which is the equivalent of a membrane that laminates airflow through micropores in the fabric.​

        • Laminar flow
        • Laminar flow
        • Laminar flow
    • Laminar flow